Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Others should not be taken with food in. ..

What are antibiotics? How do antibiotics work? Main Category: The word antibiotic comes from the Greek anti meaning 'against' and BIOS means "life" (bacteria form of life). "Antibiotics are also known as anti-bacterial products, and drugs used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Bacteria are tiny organisms that can sometimes cause diseases of humans and animals. Special words of bacteria bacteria. Such diseases as salmonella,

, and some forms are caused by bacteria. Some bacteria are not dangerous, while others are good for us. Before bacteria can multiply and cause symptoms of our immune systems usually kill them. We have a special white blood cells that attack harmful bacteria. Even if symptoms occur, our immune system is usually collected and fight infection. There are cases, however, when all too many, and our body needs help - from antibiotics. The strattera 10mg first antibiotic was penicillin. These penicillin-related antibiotics like ampicillin, amoxicillin and benzylpenicilllin widely used today to treat various infections - antibiotics have been around a long time. There are several different types of modern antibiotics and they are only available by prescription in industrialized countries. How do antibiotics work? Bactericidal antibiotics kill bacteria. Penicillin is bactericidal. Bactericidal generally or prevents the formation of cell wall in bacteria or cell contents. Bacteriostatic stops the growth of bacteria. What are antibiotics? Antibiotics given to treat infections caused by bacteria. Antibiotics target organisms such as bacteria, fungi and parasites. However, they are not effective against viruses. If you have an infection, it is important to know whether it is caused by bacteria or viruses. Most upper respiratory infections such as colds and

, usually caused by viruses - antibiotics do not work against these viruses. If antibiotics too often or misused is likely that bacteria are becoming resistant - antibiotic is less effective against this type of bacteria. Broad spectrum antibiotic can be used to treat a wide range of infectious diseases. Narrow spectrum antibiotics effective against only a few types of bacteria. There are antibiotics which attack the aerobic bacteria, while others work against anaerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria require oxygen, and anaerobic bacteria do not. Antibiotics may be given in advance to prevent infection, but may be right for surgery. This is called "prophylactic" antibiotics. They are widely used before surgery and orthopedic intestine. What are the side effects of antibiotics? Fungal infections of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract and vagina

3 beneficial effects of bacteria

Formation (while taking sulfonamides) Abnormal blood clotting (while taking some cephalosporins) sensitivity to the sun (when taking tetracycline) blood diseases (when receiving trimethoprim) Deafness (while taking erythromycin and aminoglycosides) In some patients, especially elderly, may be inflamed bowel (colitis type) that can lead to severe diarrhea. , An antibiotic that is used for most serious infections, usually has the side effect. However, although much rarer, penicillins, cephalosporins and erythromycin can too. Allergic reactions to antibiotics, some patients may develop an allergic reaction to antibiotics - penicillins especially. Side effects may include rash, swelling of tongue and face, and difficulty breathing. If you ever had an allergic reaction to antibiotics, you should inform your doctor and / or pharmacist. Reaction to antibiotics can be very serious and sometimes fatal - they are called anaphylactic reactions. Use antibiotics with caution and make sure you tell your doctor / pharmacist if: you have reduced liver or kidney. If you are taking antibiotics will not take other medicines or herbal remedies, let alone a doctor. OTC (over the counter without a prescription) medications may also encounter antibiotics. Penicillins, cephalosporins and other antibiotics may undermine the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. If the antibiotic caused diarrhea / vomiting absorption contraceptives may be impaired. If you are taking any of these medications should consider taking extra contraceptive precautions. Antibiotics are usually taken by mouth (orally), but they can also be administered by injection or applied directly to the affected body part. Most of the antibiotics begin to influence the infection within hours. It is important to remember to complete the full course of medication to prevent the infection returning. If you do not complete, of course, is a high chance of bacteria can become resistant to future treatment - for those who survive, when you have completed the course had some influence of antibiotics and thus may create resistance to it. Even if you feel better, you still need to finish the course. Some antibiotics should not eat certain foods and drinks. Others should not be taken with food in the stomach - it usually takes about an hour before eating or two hours after. It is important that you follow the instructions correctly, if you want the treatment to be effective. If you are taking metronidazole did not consume alcohol. Dairy products should not eat if you are taking tetracyclines, because they may affect the absorption of the drug. Author: Christian Nurdkvista not be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today, the first 10 ideas shown. For all thoughts, by reference. .

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